Hone your skills

Hone your skills

If you want to improve your bidding effectiveness, you may be facing the following scenarios...
Your executives just don't get what bidding is about
Some or all of your team are inexperienced in bidding
Your team's good and wants to get even better

Here's how I can help

The following workshops are ready to roll:

  • Bid best practice
  • Better bid writing 
  • Creating value through the buying cycle
  • Bidding in the public sector
  • Improve Digital Outcomes responses
  • Social Value 101

I can customise each workshop to:
  • Suit the skill and experience levels of your team
  • Fit the time you have available
  • Meet specific objectives

Contact me for further details or for a chat about your needs.

Sounds interesting?

If you're tuning into my way of thinking...
Call for a chat
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